Precision Appraisals

With Proven Expertise

Veteran-Led Team Delivering Precise Valuations and Comprehensive Analyses With Decades of Experience

Proven Reliability With Extensive Client Satisfaction

Proven Reliability With Extensive Client Satisfaction

Recognized for Exceptional Quality and Integrity

Recognized for Exceptional Quality and Integrity

Over 45 Years of Experience

Over 45 Years of Experience

Completed 18,700 Valuations

Completed 18,700 Valuations

The architecture of an attractive condominium building steps from the beach in Daytona Beach, Florida

Trusted Insights for Commercial Real Estate Appraisals

At Vance Real Estate Service, we specialize in providing precise commercial real estate appraisals for office buildings, industrial facilities, multi-family housing and vacant land in Southeast Florida.  Our in-depth knowledge of local markets and national trends ensures that you receive accurate valuations and expert advice aimed at your specific needs.  Trust our experienced team to assist you through the process, helping you make well-informed decisions for your real estate matters.   We provide counseling on when to sell, when to buy, when to renovate and when to raze.